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Subject** Press release SURVEY **
Okay, so there have been a few ideas thrown around regarding the
future of the press release. There are several questions below
with a few options following each. Please choose one and mail
them back to me. Please do not CC the whole list unless you have
some interesting insight to add. =)

(1) Should we trim the list of URLs? Yes No

I am in favor of trimming the list to just the "General," "Open
Source," "Help," and "Press" sections. That about halves the
number of sites, which should be sufficient.

(2) Should we include the blurb about SAMBA in the bullet list
following the description of the ability to use NT/UNIX shares?
Yes No

I don't care, honestly. =)

(3) Should Y2K-readiness be included in the release proper, or
should it be under "background"? Top Background

Again, I don't really care. Some people have expressed the
opinion that it should stay, and one expressed the opinion that
it should go under "background."

(4) Should "As always, the Linux kernel is distributed as Free
Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License
(" stay or go? Stay Go

I like it. I know others who like it. But is it too political?
Or is that the point?

(5) Should we ignore the trademark status on UNIX? The URL
regarding this that Albert Cahalan forwarded me
( seems pretty clear
that we cannot use it, because no one licenses the word "UNIX" to
describe Linux. So we have three main choices, as I see it:

i. Leave out all references entirely (This, unfortunately
includes the great Vinod quote)
ii. Replace all UNIX references to UN*X (My preference)
iii. Ignore the trademark usage rules and hope for the best

I can't really endorse the last possibility; I don't know what
the law concerning a release of this nature is. I doubt Linus
could be held personally responsible, because he doesn't even
need to bless this for someone to release it; conceivably,
someone who's never interacted with Linus could have made this
"press release" and then only he would be responsible.

Okay, please mail me your answers and any other suggestions.


Kyle R. Rose "They can try to bind our arms,
Laboratory for Computer Science but they cannot chain our
MIT NE43-309, 617-253-5883 minds or hearts..." Stratovarius Forever Free

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