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SubjectRe: Power off on shutdown not working in 2.2.0-pre9
Hi all,

Thank you all very much for suggesting possible causes and fixes to my
As it turns out all I had to do was change /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt script
so that halt
would be called with "-p" option.

I have read through Changes file and it turns out that there are very
few things that need
to be upgraded on a RedHat 5.1 system in order to succesfully run kernel
As the matter of fact I haven't upgraded any of them and compiled my
kernel with egcs
with "-mcpu=pentiumpro" and everything works like a charm anyway. With
2.0.36 I was
getting a LOT of warnings when I compiled with "-mcpu=pentiumpro". It
still worked though.

I also did the following:
1) cd arch
2) cp -R i386 i686
3) cd i686
4) edited Makefile to change every occurence of i386 to i686 except fo
rhte first one (LD=$(CROSS_COMPILE)ld -m elf_i386)
5) edited ifdef CONFIG_M686 so that -m486 changed to -mcpu=pentiumpro
6) finally I edited the top level Makefile so that ARCH is set to i686

It seems to work fine. Anyway, why shouldn't I take advantage of having
a more advanced CPU?

Thanks again for everyone's help.


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