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Subject<asm/spinlock.h> issues

yesterday I wnated to increase my knowledge about Linux 2.2 and
visited some files. In asm/spinlock.h (for arch i386) I noticed that
the symbol _SMP_ (or similar) is still used while it should be
something like CONFIG_SMP in 2.2-pre7 now. That's also true for
<asm/atomic.h> and possibly others.

But another thing came into my mind: In theory it seems a good idea
to have upgradable and downgradable spinlocks:

Upgrade: Change from read lock to write lock without loosing it

Downgrade: Change from write lock to read lock

While downgrading should be very easy, upgrading seems tricky. My
solution basically was: If there is exactly one reader attached, it
must be the "owner" of the lock (the thread itself). Then you could
atomically "xor 0x80000001" to change the read lock to a write lock.

The advantages I see: more concurrency. I don't see additionaly
dangers of deadlocks here. (But I can be wrong)

Ulrich Windl
P.S. I hope my CVS tree wasn't mixing different versions...

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