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SubjectProxy Arp on 2.2.0preX

I've read through the kernel list over the last month or so about
proxy-arp for subnets in the 2.2.0preX kernels. It has been removed.
Several people are complaining. I am actually quite put out by this
too. It might be rarely used.. but why remove it? I _need_ that
feature in my situation. There are no other alternatives that I am
aware of. For me this change has broken my
firewall/router/general-ip-magic box. I can no longer upgrade my kernel
any higher without losing the core functionality of the box.

An argument was made that this should move to userspace, and that sounds
perfectly logical. BUT! The feature was in the kernel, and nobody has
written a userspace replacement yet. So.... we just dropped a feature
completely from linux as a whole to get rid of some "Special Case
Code"???? I can think of a WHOLE lot of other code in the kernel that's
more special purpose and less useful that subnet proxy arping.....

Would whoever actually removed the code please respond to this, give a
decent explanation, and post a patch against 2.2.0preX to put it back

Brandon Black
Application Developer/Analyst
MCI WorldCom

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