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SubjectRe: [OFF TOPIC] ** fork 1 draft 2 -- press release **
>  The Linux development team has released a new operating system
> The new release brings Linux to multi-processor [scalable] platforms
> and provides support for up-to-date peripheral device technologies.
> [You want USB we have USB. You want TV we have TV .. :-]

I'll think about this. The "Linux development team" thing seems pretty
popular, so
iiiiit's back! =)

> > release of a new version of the Linux kernel. This update brings
> I would definitely prefer to say "release" instead of "update".


> "broad" is not needed. (i.e. semantic repetition: it's a downward
> and you already have another downward modifier in "newER" ..). Just
> "suport" if you mean "support." And say "new" and not "newer". Has it

> stopped supporting old hardware? Does it only support the very newest
and not
> medium newest :-)?

Absolutely right. Fixed.

> > maintaining the stability and reliability that have long been
> > hallmarks of the Linux kernel.
> I would say "its hallmark".

This may be a little confusing, since "its" may refer to "this release,"
hasn't been around long enough to have hallmarks. =) Nonetheless, I'll
put it in
and see what other say.

> Still don't like "series of"! Are they in a sequence? Who's first?

I was thinking of an unordered series, but I replaced it with "class."
Tell me what
you think.

> Drop "not limited to" (or use the required commas, dashes, whatnots).


> Drop "then". Semantics takes care of that.

Dropped, although it still sounds a bit awkward.

> You can actually put in "that is" in front of "estimated" and it will
> grammatically more correct. As it is there is a long adjectival phrase

> hanging off the end of this sentence!

I think they're both correct, but yours sounds better.

> Provide one.

If it comes to that, I'll mirror it on my office computer and pray it
doesn't get

> "has"? Poor writing! Possesses, offers, provides, profers, supplies,

Yeah, yeah, yeah... "offers" replaces "has."

> > ease of use for home and office users while maintaining the power

> > versatility of the command line. [This REALLY needs work, now.]

(Ahem... =)

> Split sentence in two and drop the second part, or rework.

Used a ;.

To save space, I am not including this in the email. Please go to

and look at draft #4 for the latest revision.


Kyle R. Rose "They can try to bind our arms,
Laboratory for Computer Science but they cannot chain our
MIT NE43-309, 617-253-5883 minds or hearts..." Stratovarius Forever Free

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