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SubjectRe: 10.2 Gig HDD
	From: Max <>

Logical geometry used by Linux must be such that Linux can calculate the
correct physical geometry from it.


Now, IDE disks can have at most 16 *physical* heads. If you tell the kernel
that the geometry of your disk is 787/128/63 (as with my 3G Western Digital)
the kernel will use the *physical* geometry 6296/16/63 for C/H/S addressing
(it's deduced from the logical geometry you specify, knowing Heads<=16)


Till now things are simple: get your disk *physical* geometry,
invent a COMPATIBLE logical geometry and tell it to the kernel.

By 'compatible' I mean: the kernel must be able to deduce the correct physical
geometry from it. It's easy since the kernel divides by 2 the number of heads
and multiplies by 2 the numbers of cylinders, until heads<=16, to get the
physical geometry.

Hogwash. Please do not spread nonsense if you do not know
what you are talking about.

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