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Subject[OFFTOPIC] Installation Windows vs Linux (was Re: *** draft 4 - press release ***)
Wrote by Dick Johnson:
> The major bottleneck is the X-Windows installation. However, powerful
> programs which are executed as part of the installation procedure
> can find the correct server and configure the machine. Monitors even
> 'tell` the input if it's synchronizing properly so a powerful program
> can even determine if the user's monitor is able to handle 1280x1024
> or if it's got to be left at 1024x768, etc,.. The windows installation
> always gets the screen right.
Sorry to be a bit rude but above is bollox. A year and a half ago I had
never used a PC before when I bought my new machine. I spent all my time
on Ultrix at Uni and owned an Amiga at home. First thing I do on my shiny
new screen is install 95. I end up with obliterated screen every time I
boot up. So I repeat, same result. I ask someone, he says press F8 and use
VGA safe mode so I can see what is going wrong. Hmmm, seems to display
graphics finally. Scratch head, ask friend what is happening, he says put
in floppy disk that comes with computer and do wierd things with right
mouse button and properties menu. Ahah, seems I can get it to install
graphics driver. Reboot, screen is now readable. I found out later Win95
was convinced my ET6000 (Lightspeed 128) was an ET4000/W32. These two are
not completely compatible. BTW just as an added bonus, my vendor supplied
drivers do not work with IE4 installed and the DirectX 6 versions do not
work full stop.

Now RedHat 4.2 a couple of days later. Put cd in cdrom, read readme.txt,
run autoboot.bat. Lots of nice easy explained screens. No problems
repartitioning. Make boot disk, no problems. Get to X config, tells me I
have ET6000 and that I require XF_SVGA which it will install for me. Get
to end of install. Reboot, get login prompt, login, type startx works
fine. Read Online Manuals, know how to use system.

Im not saying linux install is perfect Im trying to prove that both
windows and linux fail on the same point. Unknown hardware, all the likes
of Redhat can do is try and make sure they can recognise as much hardware
as possible. And in my experience my first install of Redhat was easier
than Windows 95. And yes the installation procedure could be made nicer
etc but the main reason that the world uses windows is because that is all
MS will allow them to see exists.


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