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These changes to draft 6 
(as it appears at

- "to be used as they were one single machine" (beowulf section)

this could either be "to be used as one single machine" or
"to be used as if they were one single machine"

- "supporting up to 64-bit processor systems"

just wrong... gotta drop the "-bit" part... any OS (just about) can run
on 64-bit processors, we want ppl to know we can run on 64 different
processors in one machine... a huge difference :)

- "With compatibility for BSD and Windows NT filesystems"

may dishonestly imply r/w capability to NTFS (or is that a new feature?)
the original phrasing including the "read" capability was better, unless
this phrase is meant to refer to samba as the upgrade path

- "Linux can also fully realise the potential"


- One such example is the blockbuster movie "Titanic", whose dramatic
3-D scenes were rendered on an Alpha powered Linux system.

Seems to dishonestly imply a single machine did Titanic...
"an Alpha-powered Linux cluster" adds a buzzword and some honesty

- remove the "COMMENT" since while we may argue about the movie's quality,
I don't think we can deny the computing power it took to do the scenes :)

- "Estimates suggets that Linux"


- "Projects such as GNOME (GNU Network Orientated Model Environment),"

(from s/Orientated/Object/
(this section also seems to miss any reference to X, but I guess that's fine

- "as an alternative to proprietry operating systems"


- "Sun Microsystems Inc"

"Sun Microsystems, Inc" (to be consistent)

- "Compaq coporation"

Compaq Corporation (spelling and capitalization)

- "property of their respective oweners"


- the paragraph starting with "Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds."
seems to be included twice... remove the second, as it seems cut-off

- new howto's url appears to be

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