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SubjectRe: [linux-audio-dev] ISA Plug & Play support in kernel
George writes:
> On Sat, 2 Jan 1999, Albert D. Cahalan wrote:
>> ObKernel: Lack of PnP in the kernel is going to hurt! Normal humans
>> don't figure out the userspace tools and insert kernel modules
>> with the right parameters. Besides using an off-the-wall syntax,
>> the whole idea of a config file destroys PnP totally. We've invented
>> software jumpers. People hate jumpers with good reason, software
>> or not. Systems that can't determine their own configuration are
>> not somehow better; they are worse. I seem to recall we had code
>> for this too.
> If people have RedHat, they just need to do:
> pnpdump --config > /etc/isapnp.conf

That is bad for so many reasons...

1. New users won't know to do that. Old users with new hardware
might have a bit of trouble.

2. You get a file that must be hacked. The syntax looks like a
cross between /bin/sh and LISP.

3. There is no connection between that file and the kernel.
Any changes must be matched with module parameters and/or
boot parameters. Even if all this were documented, it would
be difficult. Module parameter systax is not consistent with
boot parameter syntax and drivers vary greatly.

4. If the hardware changes, such a config file may cause conflicts.
The system might not even boot after a hardware or Windows upgrade.
(Windows is known to change BIOS PnP settings!)

5. This is not PnP. It is software jumpers. PnP exists because it
is moronic to make the user tell the computer about the computer.
Computers ought to be able to determine their own innards.

6. This won't let us reallocate devices. If I have n IRQs available
for the ISA bus and cards that need n+2 IRQs, I ought to be able
to use all but 2 devices at the same time without deciding that
2 particular devices just won't ever function. The kernel needs
to move IRQs as needed so that I can freely use my hardware.
Userspace can't handle this at all.

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