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SubjectRe: Article: IBM wants to "clean up the license" of Linux
: "Albert D. Cahalan" :
: +-----
: | to be mentioned anymore. When I see i386-redhat-linux on all the
: | FSF stuff I compile, I will reconsider that decision. Until then,
: | I hope others will join me in ignoring you as punishment.
: +--->8

"Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH" <>:
: "i386-redhat-linux", eh? On S.u.S.E.? Debian? Stampede? Pacific Hi-Tech?
: None of which are sufficiently different to require a different canonical
: triplet. So all of them would end up being identified as "redhat"... and I
: fail to see how identifying other Linux distributions as Red Hat (or Red Hat
: wannabees) differs from your complaint about "GNU/Linux".

His point, I think, was that i386-redhat-linux is quite a bit more
accurate and useful than i386-gnu-linux. Ditto for i386-suse-linux
and i386-debian-linux. For the other, smaller releases and/or for the
systems where it couldn't be figured out which distribution it was,
i386-gnu-linux or i386-unknown-linux, would be fine.

But to take {redhat,suse,slackware,debian} and call them all gnu is
(a) incorrect, (b) somewhat annoying, and (c) loses important information.

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