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Subjectseq numbers and checksum in tcp
for some research that i am working on, i am doing some experiments
with the linux kernel and some tcpip stuff in particular. In any
case, in the tcp_rcv function, i have been able to get most of the
information that i need. Now i need to modify the sequence number
of the packet and then recompute the checksum, but i am not sure
how to go about this. I have expermimented for a while and turned
up nothing.

basically, i want to just modify the th->seq and then recompute
the tcp checksum and i suspect the skb checksum.

Is there an easy way to check the tcp checksum and then make the
mod and then recompute a new checksum. any help is much appreciated.

for that matter, i will need to change fields in the tcp header in
the v_ip_queue_xmit function. how can i compute whatever checksums
are neccessary here.

- ayman

Ayman El-Khashab <> PGP key available from
The University of Texas at Austin keyserver or by finger
Key Fingerprint: 42 D3 22 E6 D1 73 45 09 DA AE 60 DE 24 CB 71 18

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