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Subjectipchains: /proc/net/ip_fw* permission change

I think it was in one of the pre6-ac patches (and now in pre7) that the
permission on /proc/net/ip_fw* was changed so that only root can read

I searched for ip_fwchains + permission | security in the kernel
archive, but I didn't find anything. So, is there another place where
such a discussion would have happened, or is there an obvious reason why
people shouldn't be allowed to see how many packets have been processed
by ipchains?

I'm using a small program (wmnet) to display network statistics. For
2.1 (and 2.2), it is able to use either the ipchains stuff or
/proc/net/dev to get it's information. Unfortunately, the ip_fwchains
is no longer user readable, and /proc/net/dev always shows 0 for eth0's
receive and send byte counts (at least with the eepro100 driver).

Since 2.0.x has world-readable ipfwadm rules, without any security
issues, isn't it more of a security problem if you have to make all your
tools suid in order to get accounting information, or having to log in
as root every time you want to check status?


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