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SubjectRe: AIMS Labs radio card: frequency limit (fwd)
> why have the kernel limit it at all? why not leave that up to the
> application frount end?

Well, it is mostly an API issue - if you check radio-aimslab.c and
radio-aztech.c you will see that the values are set but never checked.
You might think of them as "recommendations", so a user space program
COULD in fact override within the bounds of the v4l frequency variable.

My own tuner program checks the range returned by a card to provide a
sanity check, but it is trivial to bypass. All this talk of tuning to
things outside the normal range has convinced me to add an override option
to the next version so users can try things on their own setups.
Attempting various interesting frequencies gets me nothing but static,
but perhaps someone else will be able to use it.

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