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SubjectRe: Is there something wrong here? <Linus patch succes report>
Hi Linus, all

Just tried your buffer.c patch (to 2.2.0-pre7-ac4), and you asked:
"does that make your performance less jerky?"

Yep, a LOT! :)

- My read-large-mailbox-with-pine-'locking' problem mentioned before seem
to have gone!
At least i wasn't able to reproduce it again, even not after some stress
testing (scrolling trough same _even larger_ mailbox in pine,
/sbin/swapout 200 (256MB onboard), kernel compiling, X in 32bpp,
netscape+java, find /, etc)
- A kernel compile (make dep clean zImage modules modules_install) with
lots of unneeded modules takes now just 13 minutes instead of normal 14+
minutes (2'nd compile after stresstest).

Im very positive about that patch, but i've _just_ 1h17 uptime yet, and
i havn't rebooted yet to do a fs-check.

More penguins to follow ? :)

Arjan Filius
Argh! All right, so how am I supposed to work with Linux when
everything's already been done?! Can't these people leave some
broken MSDOS like parts so there's problems left to solve!?....

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