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SubjectRe: crypto in the kernel
xervavi lio ro mailing-list i linux-kernel:
> [ David Monniaux ]
> > 3/ The person that proposed France should be cut from the Linux community
> > has a tremendous sense of humour, since the author of ext2fs, Rémy Card,
> > works in an university in Paris.
> I am very sorry for all linux developers and also all linux users in
> France but the french government has officially considered the internet
> as a threat to the french language and seems to be trying to minimize
> internet use in France.

You are both missing the point. Cutting France from the Linux community
just can't work, whichever way you look at it, for the simple reason
that Linux is freely available, and there are people living in France
who will download it, use it and hack on it, no matter what. The fact
that ext2 was originally written by Rémy Card doesn't have much to do
with that. Whatever misguided policies the French govt may have about
the internet and the French language have even less to do with it.

If the US government ever gets back to its senses enough to allow the
export of reasonable crypto, _and_ if the French one doesn't get enough
of a clue to even allow the use of crypto, surely France is no reason to
keep crypto off the Linux kernel, since the kernel is neither primarily
maintained nor primarily distributed in France. In this scenario, what
would no doubt happen is that volunteers in France would create special
no-crypto distributions, while others would just go ahead and use
standard Linux, while not making use of the crypto features.

> Having the kernel support encryption (even the crippled 56Bit DES)
> would be appreciated by many users and developers but would render linux
> illegal because of the french encryption policy which is POLITIC.

Exactly, but no-one outside of France needs to care much about that.

Roger Espel Llima,

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