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SubjectOops while trying to read out a data cd
While trying to read out a data cd I ran into an oops. The command that cause the oops was:
dd if=/dev/scd2 of=/dev/null bs=2048
I was running a 2.2.0-pre7 kernel with aic7xxx built as a module. Attached you'll fine the output of ksymoops. I hope I provided all needed data.

Mathematicians practice absolute freedom.
-- Henry Adams
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000400
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 01984000, `r3 = 01984000
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: *pde = 00000000
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: Oops: 0000
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: CPU: 0
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c01240c6>]
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: EFLAGS: 00010206
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: eax: 00000400 ebx: 000144fa ecx: 00000b02 edx: 00000400
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: esi: 00000800 edi: 00000800 ebp: 000144fa esp: c1971cec
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: Process dd (pid: 1127, process nr: 83, stackpage=c1971000)
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: Stack: c01240ff 00000b02 000144fa 00000800 00000001 00000800 000144fa c1970b02
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: c0124393 00000b02 000144fa 00000800 00000001 00000000 c1971e90 c1971e94
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: 00000002 c0127565 00000b02 000144fa 00000800 c1954840 0804c3da 0804c3da
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: Call Trace: [<c01240ff>] [<c0124393>] [<c0127565>] [<c010fc77>] [<c4811d6b>] [<c4810002>] [<c4811d6b>]
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: [<c4823b70>] [<c018dcf9>] [<c010fccb>] [<c018b915>] [<c01104f3>] [<c010f6c7>] [<c01107e5>] [<c01168f1>]
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: [<c0109a8d>] [<c0108994>] [<c0122c9a>] [<c01088f8>]
Jan 15 03:48:26 nexus kernel: Code: 8b 12 39 58 04 75 f3 39 70 08 75 ee 66 39 48 0c 75 e8 89 c2

>>EIP: c01240c6 <find_buffer+2a/44>
Trace: c01240ff <get_hash_table+1f/60>
Trace: c0124393 <getblk+1f/224>
Trace: c0127565 <block_read+30d/524>
Trace: c010fc77 <schedule+1f3/21c>
Trace: c4811d6b <requeue_sd_request+2b/f00>
Trace: c4810002 <scsi_mlqueue_remove_lock+fe6/2030>
Trace: c4811d6b <requeue_sd_request+2b/f00>
Trace: c4823b70 <aic7xxx_queue+148/158>
Trace: c0109a8d <do_IRQ+39/40>
Code: c01240c6 <find_buffer+2a/44> 00000000 <_EIP>:
Code: c01240c6 <find_buffer+2a/44> 0: 8b 12 movl (%edx),%edx
Code: c01240c8 <find_buffer+2c/44> 2: 39 58 04 cmpl %ebx,0x4(%eax)
Code: c01240cb <find_buffer+2f/44> 5: 75 f3 jne fffffffa <_EIP+0xfffffffa> c01240c0 <find_buffer+24/44>
Code: c01240cd <find_buffer+31/44> 7: 39 70 08 cmpl %esi,0x8(%eax)
Code: c01240d0 <find_buffer+34/44> a: 75 ee jne fffffffa <_EIP+0xfffffffa> c01240c0 <find_buffer+24/44>
Code: c01240d2 <find_buffer+36/44> c: 66 39 48 0c cmpw %cx,0xc(%eax)
Code: c01240d6 <find_buffer+3a/44> 10: 75 e8 jne fffffffa <_EIP+0xfffffffa> c01240c0 <find_buffer+24/44>
Code: c01240d8 <find_buffer+3c/44> 12: 89 c2 movl %eax,%edx

3 warnings issued. Results may not be reliable.
 \ /
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