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Subjectkernel question
I know this can't be done yet, but I'm wondering if it would be possible to
write code for. If you compile a driver that can be modularized into the
kernel, how hard would it be to have that driver unloaded from a running
kernel? (I guess you could say I want to catch part ofthe kernel. It runs
pretty quick =)

I've seen solaris have modules loaded that are needed at boot time.
For instance, the root file system driver is a module, scsi is a module (the
machine I looked at is nothing but scsi), and the elf binary format is a
module (I assume it's required to mount file systems as well)

This was something I thought about when I compile 1 kernel for 4 different
machines (ranging from a laptop, 486, to 2 pentiums. 3 have scsi cards, 2
boot off IDE drives). I recently went from 2.0.36 to 2.2.0-pre4. I noticed
that IDE is module capable now. 2 of my machines have the IDE ports

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