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SubjectPPP Kernel Driver
I've made changes to the kernel PPP driver ppp.o to
support synchronous PPP, specifically in:

At some point in its history, attempts were made to allow
this module to compile under both 2.0.x and 2.1.x using
conditional compilation.

But the latest 2.2pre kernel version of ppp.c has abandoned
this (I assume to have cleaner code) and will not compile
under 2.0.36 due to many 2.2pre specific calls.

So I also made my changes to the 2.0.36 kernel version
of ppp.o. Then I noticed that this (and the 2.2 version)
is out of sync with the ppp.o distributed with the ppp-2.3.5

So there are three different versions.

The confusing part is that some parts of the driver in the
ppp package are newer than the 2.0.36 kernel while
other parts are older (all are different).

It would be nice to at least sync the latest ppp package version
with the 2.0.36 kernel version (both build under 2.0.x).
It would be even better to sync all three versions by adding the
conditional compilation to the 2.2 kernel version and just using
that one.

I'm willing to give this a shot but I've been unable to get a response
from any of the listed maintainers. I don't want to get in the way
if someone else is already working on this or if the current maintainers
(if any) are vehemently opposed to this. Does anyone have any information
on this? Has this code become orphaned?

Paul Fulghum,
Microgate Corporation
9501 Capital of TX Hwy
Austin, TX 78759

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