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SubjectRe: 2.2.0-pre7: SCSI probe still panics (or hangs, w/ egcs)
From said:
> 2.2.0-pre7 (aic7xxx driver 5.1.10) still dies with a panic during SCSI
> probe on my system: AWAITING_MSG for an SCB that does not have a
> waiting message. This is identical to what I experienced with
> 2.2.0-pre5 and 6

Boot with the command line option

Unless you have more than one SCSI channel, or devices outside the SCSI Id
range 0-7, in which case read README.aic7xxx and alter appropriately.

If that fixes it, then complain bitterly that tagged queueing was enabled by
default so close to the release of 2.2, and hope that it gets disabled again
before lots more people get bitten by it.

Defaulting to tagged queueing is a reasonable plan for 2.3, but IMHO we need
time to make the device blacklist fairly comprehensive before doing it in a
release kernel.

---- ---- ----
David Woodhouse Office: (+44) 1223 810302
Project Leader, Process Information Systems Mobile: (+44) 976 658355
Axiom (Cambridge) Ltd., Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridge, CB5 0NA, UK.
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