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Yes, my 2.2.0 Linux computer brought down our LAN with IPX packets, like
you mention. But the packets my box was sending out weren't broadcast
packets. They were packets intended for a specific file server requesting
an NCP connection. They appeared to be packets that could have come from my
computer, instead of being copies of NetBIOS broadcasts as you found.

I don't know yet what triggered my problems; I have not reproduced the
problem, although my co-workers really don't want me to, since the
traffic keeps them from logging into the NetWare file server. :-)

We're running NetWare 4.11 mostly, with some 3.x and one 5.0. I use
token-ring, and you use ethernet.

I'll continue probing to see if I can't cause my problem to happen again.


Gilbert Ramirez Voice: +1 210 358 4032
Technical Services Fax: +1 210 358 1122
University Health System San Antonio, Texas, USA

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