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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Re: Building .config into the kernel
I like CONFIG_PROC_CONFIG a lot, but I'm opposed to this particular
implementation of it.

It discards semantic information from the .config file, and once that
information is lost, it can't be regenerated.

I want /proc/config.gz to contain a *lossless* copy of the .config file.
That makes it the most reliable and useful. And I prefer that it come
in a standard format (straight gzip compression, no s/CONFIG_// games),
so that people can access it any way they want without needing to run
it through yet another custom text mangler.

I am building a configuration system with well-defined semantics,
a written manual for Config Language, a real parser with static error
checking, and so on. That's my vision. I don't want to see a system
that works fine if you use it the way the author says, has its own
capricious format, and loses some of your configuration information if
you do something a bit different. If I wanted that kind of configuration
system, I'd boot up something with a four-colored flag.

Michael Elizabeth Chastain
"love without fear"

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