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Subject*** next draft - press release ***
I got lots of constructive criticisms, and here's a brief
summary of what people said.

1. you don't normally write stuff like this do you? - no kidding
2. We like Alberts version better - so do I, so
that's what we'll use.
3. USB didn't make it into the kernel - ok.
4. We don't like the term GNU/Linux - I don't really
understand the politics, but

everybody had this response.

Ok, here's Albert's version (which I just commandeered). Let's see if
we can make any improvements etc.

btw. I'm getting a little concerned about clogging this mailing list. -

Greg Smart

**** DRAFT **** PRESS RELEASE - LINUX KERNEL 2.2.0 **** DRAFT ****

----------- now I make a fool of myself :-) ---------- - no you
didn't :-)

Santa Clara CA, January XX, 1999

Today the software developers led by Linus Torvalds release a major update
to the Linux operating system. This update brings increased scalability,
new hardware support, and a large collection of low-level features.
Highlights include:

* Advanced network routing and WAN support, which gives Linux the
ability to replace many expensive proprietary network devices.
Users can take control of their intranet with priority traffic,
usage limits, accounting, and virtual private networks. Strong
128-bit encryption is available as an add-on component.

* Enterprise-level network filesystem support, complete with data
replication for performance, mobility, and extreme reliability.

* Video capture support, TV tuner support, simplified audio support,
and other multimedia enhancements.

* Support for a large variety of parallel port devices including
disk drives, tape drives, and other easy-to-use external devices.

* Greater performance, especially while under heavy load or while
running on computers with multiple processors.

* Compatibility support for reading BSD and NT disks. Easy access to
documents stored on NTFS-format disks will facilitate conversion
from NT to Linux.

Advanced technical users are already using this update, downloaded
from the Internet. Business users can get a fully supported copy later
this spring when Linux vendors ship complete integrated systems
containing the update on easy-to-use CD-ROM distributions.

Linux is a secure network operating system for demanding users.
It interoperates well with a wide variety of other systems.
Linux can take advantage of modern PC and PowerMac hardware or give
new life to older 486-based computers. Support is widely available
via both traditional contracts and cost-effective Internet groups.
Linux is provided under an unlimited-use license that lets users
make in-house customizations to the system itself. Initial estimates
suggest that Linux had 10 to 20 million users at the end of 1998.

Linus Torvalds, native to Finland, lives with his family in Santa
Clara CA, USA. He and others created Linux as a labor of love,
which may account for the superior software quality.

For more information, see www.Linux.ORG and

Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds. PowerMac is a trademark of
Apple Computer, Inc. NT is a trademark of Northern Telecom Limited.


**** DRAFT **** PRESS RELEASE - LINUX KERNEL 2.2.0 **** DRAFT ****

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