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SubjectMinor Changes suggestion [was Re: BUG LIST: 2.2.0pre7]

Michael H. Warfield:
> Software engineering is a race between engineers who try to create
> foolproof software and the universe which is trying to create bigger fools.
> So far, the universe is winning...
> Bullet proofing is always good. Then we just have to deal with
> those teflon jacketed fools. :-)

Speaking of which, I put on my fool's cap once more and realized I still
have a problem with the deprecated major-4 pty changes mentioned in
Documentation/Changes. Problem is, it is discussed in the middle of a
paragraph that begins and ends with the topic of optional Unix98 pty
stuff. That is very confusing to us teflon-jackets, who will think
they are somehow related.

So I suggest the minor editorial change in the following patch against

-- Robert (Bullets are Evil) Hamilton

--- Documentation/Changes Thu Jan 14 12:22:09 1999
+++ Documentation/Changes Thu Jan 14 12:26:42 1999
@@ -85,14 +85,15 @@
compiled under 2.0 or earlier kernels should be replaced with ones
compiled under 2.1, for example.

- As of 2.1.115, Unix98 pty support was added as an option, and
-support for the deprecated major 4 /dev/ttyp* devices was removed. If
-necessary (eg, you get "out of pty" error messages when you obviously
-are not out of pty's), create major 3 /dev/tty* and major 2 /dev/pty*
-devices (see Documentation/devices.txt for more information). If you
-want to use the Unix98 ptys, you should be running at least
-glibc-2.0.9x, and you must switch completely to Unix98 pty's. The
-general procedure for configuring Unix98 pty support is:
+ As of 2.1.115, support for the deprecated major 4 /dev/ttyp* devices
+was removed. If necessary (eg, you get "out of pty" error messages when
+you obviously are not out of pty's), create major 3 /dev/tty* and major 2
+/dev/pty* devices (see Documentation/devices.txt for more information).
+ Optional support for Unix98 pty devices has also been added. If you
+want to use the Unix98 ptys, you should be running at least glibc-2.0.9x,
+and you must switch completely to Unix98 pty's. The general procedure
+for configuring Unix98 pty support is:

- Compile your kernel with CONFIG_UNIX98_PTYS and CONFIG_DEVPTS_FS.
- mknod /dev/ptmx c 5 2

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