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SubjectRe: linux-kernel's extremely slow turnaround time
    From: Stephen Williams <>

> Convince David Miller that for linux-kernel being an order
> of magnitude faster is more important than having an order
> of magnitude less junk.

I get enough junk. An order of magnitude more would be very bad.

Probably my original text was clear enough, but Alan quoted
such a short fragment that some now misunderstand the intention.

In the good old days we had newsgroups linux.*
Such a system has many advantages: The infrastructure already
exists to handle very large volumes of news, and has a response
time that is an order of magnitude better than the present
mail-based system. Secondly, one has news readers that know about
selecting authors and topics, killing threads, ignoring articles
that were posted to several groups and have been read already.
The current mail based system on the other hand will send me the
same message twice if it is sent to both linux-kernel and linux-scsi.

So, a very fast and user-friendly system was replaced by a slow and
user-unfriendly system. That was a pity. Of course there was a reason
for the change - people have quoted the increased risk of receiving
spam once one's email address appears in a net post; also the increased
amount of junk in a newsgroup.

I think that the advantages of a newsgroup outweigh the disadvantages.
(And it is easy to make posting a little bit difficult if the group
is moderated and one has to subscribe to linux-kernel first before
posts are accepted.)


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