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SubjectRe: New Line Discipline (HDLC)
Paul Fulghum wrote:
> The goal was to use the standard tty programming and driver
> interface for synchronous communications. The new line discipline
> enforces a frame oriented view of data for the read and write
> system calls. One write call == one HDLC frame, data returned
> by one read call == one HDLC frame.

What is the presentation of the interface, eg is it a network device?
I suppose note if it uses char device structures. I've ported a
driver for a multi-channel WAN card, but chose to make it a network
device to utilize the benefits of being one.

> Because the HDLC line discipline is intended to be generic to
> any synchronous serial device driver and it is my hope that this
> would be adopted as a common method for supporting synchronous
> communications, I am seeking input from anyone with a common
> interest before submission.

I guess I'm confused about what you mean by "HDLC line discipline".
HDLC implies frames, bit stuffing, CRC, etc... Most WAN interface
cards provide HDLC support in hardware, with configurations, eg 16 or
32 bit CRC, frame flag selection (eg 7e in most circumstances).

In any event, I'm an interested party. I've got the port mentioned
above, which unfortunately is a half breed GPL/other. We haven't
shipped it / sold product with it, so no issues there, we used it for
internal R&D for an evaluation which is complete. ImageStream has
also done a port of another WAN driver, but it's completely
proprietary AFAIK. I used dlci.c and sdla.c (in the standard kernel
distributions) as starter material, and will happily share those, but
the proprietary stuff we don't own, and cannot disclose anyhow.


Richard Dynes
Varcom Corporation

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