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SubjectRe: C++ in kernel
In my opinion C++ can be used as cleaner and safer C.
C++ has lots of really useful features.

Features that help catch errors early:
* const pointers
* private struct members
* stricter type checking

Features that improve code safety:
* constant variables (safer than #defines)
* inline funcs (safer than #defines)

I can present code examples for each of these features
which show C++ superiority over C. Anyone doubts that?

However thre are things which can screw up kernel.
These things should be prohibited in kernel code:
* multiple and virtual inheritance
* massive function and operator overloading
* massive conversion ops
* exceptions
* templates

BTW, you can write bad code in C too. :-)

In my experience converting good C code to C++ is easy.
First one should make headers C++-compatible, then compile
some modules in C++ and fix all errors/warnings (even good C code
generates C++ warnings and even errors! C++ enforce clean coding
practice). However kernel code is big and changing all the time.
I see no practical means to go C++ now. It's not very important,
some developers don't want C++ (it seems they are not familiar with
Denis Vlasenko

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