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Subject[quake2] HZ change for ix86
>>Why? Each of the N processes gets the 1/N of the CPU - wheter there are
>>long or short timeslices. If you have the CPU for long time, you'll miss
>>it for long time...
>Not 1/N, but (1-overhead)/N, where the overhead is the CPU time being used
>switch between the processes. The more you switch, the more time you spend
>executing _none_ of the N processes that are so eager to be executed.

Maybe that is totally unrelated, but it seems that quite often we are
feeling some lag while playing on quake2 server running on Linux. Server
runs 4 quake2 servers (4 x quake2 processes), but CPU isn't used too much
(CPU usage 20-30%).
I believe that for smooth play server should be able to smoothly send
alot small UDP packets. Maybe HZ increase would speed up servers switching
and improve gameplay?


P.S. In any case - can anyone send some information about linux [kernel]
tuning for quake2 server? Except linuxquake.

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