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SubjectRe: [OFFTOPIC] Gnumenclature was Re: IBM, was never Re: Linux Kernel
In article <>,
Gregory Maxwell <> wrote:
>On 8 Jan 1999, david parsons wrote:
>> ____
>> david parsons \bi/ And there's nothing wrong with giving credit where
>> \/ credit is due.
>The real problem with using that sort of BSD licence is that if multiple
>people use varrients of it. Say if all the packages in a Linux distro were
>under a licence that made adverts contain 'derrived from code developed by
><insert developer here>'. A dist like redhat would have to take out 5 page
>adds just to mention the product. :)
>The advert clause makes products not scale. :)

I dunno. When I wrote the CREDITS page for McAfee's _WebShield_
product, it ended up being about 400 lines long. A lot of that is
the copyright text for the various packages (I included every
copyright I could find except the *GPL, which I put links to); none
of these credits ended up in the (pitiful) advertising for the

And since WebShield includes a complete Slackware system (it would
have become Mastodon, except the product was just cancelled last
month. Sigh) it includes LOTS of Berkeley-style license code. And
there's nothing in that code requiring McAfee to give a credits list
in the advertisements (because Webshield is Linux, it doesn't have
the McKusick daemon and the attribution requirement; none of the
other Berkeley stuff requires that I credit it in advertisements,
and in fact it requires that I get permission before I do.)

david parsons \bi/ The horrible thing about it all is that if I'd used
\/ a BSD kernel, the only person I would have dropped from
the credits list would have been Linus Torvalds.

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