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SubjectDHCP client for 2.2 and Re: [Off-Topic] Distribution 2.2-ready
On Sun, 10 Jan 1999, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

> In message <>, Chris Chiappa
> writes
> :
> +-----
> | On Sat, Jan 09, 1999 at 01:56:37PM -0500, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> | > ifconfig,
> | Huh?
> | <griffon>KeyserSoze-ttyp2[94]~$ rpm -qf `which ifconfig`
> | net-tools-1.46-1
> | >From Changes.txt:
> | - Net-tools 1.45 ; hostname -V
> +--->8
> I must have had a bad upgrade on one of the early 5.2 upgrades --- ifconfig
> didn't understand the new /proc/net/dev format. I just tried it on a recent
> 5.2 running 2.1.131 and it worked.

[kaboom@dobzhansky kaboom]$ grep et-tools /build/kernel/linux-2.2.0-p6/Documentation/Changes
- Net-tools 1.49 ; hostname -V
are you need to upgrade to a more recent net-tools that understands the
[kaboom@dobzhansky kaboom]$

RH 5.2 is actually slightly out of date, but should be fine for most people.

> | > mkswap/swapon, and several other things are outdated.
> | <griffon>KeyserSoze-ttyp2[97]~$ rpm -qf `which swapon`
> | mount-2.8a-2
> | - Mount 2.7l ; mount --version
> +--->8
> Documentation/Changes is out of date, I think --- recent 2.1 and 2.0.36 both
> support >128M swap areas, but mkswap won't have anything to do with them.

mkswap is part of util-linux, not of mount. That's the (main) reason for
the listing of Util-linux 2.9 as a requirement. If you look at a recent
Changes file, mount as a separate package isn't even listed.

[kaboom@dobzhansky kaboom]$ grep til-linux /build/kernel/linux-2.2.0-p6/Documentation/Changes

- Util-linux 2.9 ; chsh -v
Util-linux (including mount)
spaces, you need the new mkswap found in util-linux. You also need to
[kaboom@dobzhansky kaboom]$

BTW, my impression is that the latest:

Debian (not quite a release yet, but it is frozen)
SuSE (if you speak German; 6.0 English isn't out yet)
PHT / Turbo-Linux (just because *you* don't speak Japanese is no reason to
forget perhaps the world's most popular Linux variant ;-)

are shipping mostly 2.2 ready.

I say mostly b/c I don't think anyone is shipping, for example, a dhcp
client which works.

I'm not sure about Caldera or Slackware (which doesn't mean they're not,
just that I don't use them / am not familiar with what versions they
contain), or some of the smaller distributions like Stampede.

Also, those of you using DHCP and experiencing problems, can you try


and let me know if it does NOT work for you. (thanks, all, who've suggested
phystech's clients). If no one screams in the next couple of days, I'll
assume it does work and send Linus a patch to update Changes.


Chris Ricker

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