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SubjectRe: mirroring inconsistency
In article <>,
Edward S. Marshall <> wrote:
>On 6 Jan 1999, david parsons wrote:
>> But Red Hat isn't the only distribution out there.
>> ____
>> david parsons \bi/ The idea of redhat being the `official' version of Linux
>> \/ is somewhat terrifying.
>The idea of someone who can't see the level of market penetration that
>Red Hat has in the Linux realm is somewhat terrifying.

50% or so, which is pretty good.

That still leaves about 5 million seats running something other
than redhat.

If Redhat can pull off a market takeover of the Linux community,
more power to them -- I think that they are enough like Microsoft
so that they could get a large wad of market share and cling to
it like grim death itself [1]. Until then, it strikes me as A
Really Bad Idea to assume that everyone on the sun is running the
latest redhat distribution.

david parsons \bi/ [1: That's how the computer marketplace works,
\/ barring some pretty spectacular antitrust
decisions. Redhat seems to be the only
US Linux distribution that's as focused
as Microsoft, and that's good for Linux.]

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