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SubjectRe: Article: IBM wants to "clean up the license" of Linux
Once upon a time, Richard Stallman <> said:
>Each person who decides to use the name "GNU/Linux" helps to spread
>the word about where the operating system as a whole came from, and
>also helps users understand the difference between the whole system
>and the kernel. You can help inform hundreds of people by typing 4
>extra characters, a few times a day. It is hard to find a more
>efficient use of your time.

But "GNU/Linux" does not accurately describe "where the operating system
as a whole came from"! That is the biggest problem with your renaming
of Linux. Linux builds on a whole lot of history in the Unix
environment, including GNU, BSD, and (for most people's workstations) X.
To follow your logic, the OS is "BSD/GNU/XFree86/Linux/etc." as a whole.
Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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