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Subject[OFFTOPIC] Re: Article: IBM wants to "clean up the license" of Linux
Richard Stallman <> writes:

> In a time when most of the voices heard in the community say we should
> sacrifice principles when they become inconvenient, it's important for
> users to know that their system did not come from that approach.
> Users should know that a firm stand accomplished something that
> "pragmatic flexibility" would never have done.
> I hope you will join me and the others who use the term "GNU/Linux".

Richard, please stop this.

While you have every right to continue your crusade, I'd like to ask
you to not do so on the linux-kernel mailing list. The linux-kernel
list is NOT a political forum, it is a technical one, and political
diatribe is grossly inappropriate and off-topic.

There are no doubt many on the list who agree with your views and like
hearing them, but there are also many who vehemently disagree with
them and will take any opportunity to debate them. Philosophical
debate is a healthy thing, but this is not an appropriate place for
this particular debate.

Can you explain to me exactly what the debate over what to call an
operating system built around the Linux kernel and many tools and
systems from a variety of sources has to do with the technical details
of the Linux kernel? If you can, then please do so. If not, then
please stop encouraging this pointless and off-topic flamewar.

Now that the "community", as you phrase it, has reached such a point
of prominence and attention, we should be able to expect more than
petty bickering from those who claim to be leaders of it. Richard, you
have become a leader in the open source / free software
community. Please try and act the part.


nat lanza --------------------- research programmer, parallel data lab, cmu scs --------------------------------
there are no whole truths; all truths are half-truths -- alfred north whitehead

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