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Subjectnetwork enhancement
Dunno if this can already be done, but this would be cool to do...
Imagine if you will a real life scenerio I saw at a company today: Lots
of machines on one IP subnet all trying to connect to a single server.
The server is on a switch, and the switches are themselves hooked
together. Wouldn't it be neat if:

You could put say 5 ethernet cards in the server and put one ether card on
each of the switches such that the server still has one IP address, but
does ARP on all the interfaces in such a way that it can talk to each
machine on the switch it belongs to...

It is, in a sense, an extension of the bridging concept: broadcasts can
go out on one interface (the switches will take care of the rest) but
other packets should go out on the interface which is on the same switch
as the arp that you want to get to...

The idea would be that if multiple ethernet's share the same IP address
that it properly arp's depending upon which interface an incoming request
came on and sent arp requests on all interfaces with the shared IP.

Can it already be done? Is it worth doing?


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