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SubjectGood news for SPARC/Linux
Sun has gotten official about their Linux plans.

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Message-Id: <199812042244.QAA28493@xcskier.Central.Sun.Com>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 16:44:19 -0600 (CST)
From: Henning Henningsen <Henning.Henningsen@Central.Sun.COM>
Subject: linux news w/ sun...
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well whatcha think of this.... you must still be a shaker in the back room..
you can be happy you had a part in this...


Sun Microsystems to Support Linux O/S on its Hardware,
REPORTS Computer Reseller News

MANHASSET, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 4, 1998--Sun Microsystems Inc.
(Nasdaq: SUNW - news) said it will announce, as early as next week,
widespread support for the Linux operating system on its hardware,
according to an exclusive page-one story to appear in the December 7
issue of CMP Media's Computer Reseller News.

Sun has been working quietly with distributors and a select number of
Linux community representatives to port Linux to its UltraSparc processor
by as early as February, channel sources and Sun executives told the
technology newspaper. The initiative, unofficially called UltraPenguin,
mainly involves Sun hardware and not the company's own Solaris operating
system, they said.

This is not Sun's first attempt to cooperate with those supporting the
popular alternative flavor of Unix. In November, the company committed
to helping port its Java Development Kit 1.2 to Linux.

``We consider anyone who is using Linux to be in the open standards camp
and making good things happen, especially since there is such great
interoperability between Linux and Solaris,'' Sun's group manager for
Power Workstations Robert Novak told Computer Reseller News. ``It offers
a real strong alternative to NT and Windows.''

In addition to appearing in the December 7 issue of Computer Reseller
News, complete reporting by Section Editor Joe Wilcox will be posted to
the technology newspaper's Web site,

Published by CMP Media Inc., Computer Reseller News has a circulation
of more than 115,000 and reaches readers with the product trends and
industry news needed to sell comprehensive technology solutions. The
publication's news coverage is also available via e-mail through CRN
Direct. This free, customizable daily newsletter--available in both
text and full-HTML formats--allows users to choose up to 20 companies,
products and trends to track. Registration for CRN Direct is available
through CRN Online (

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