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SubjectCan this CD/Floppy Behaviour be Done? [offtopic?]
Hello all,

I was futzing with my system in user-space last night, and I wonder if
there's a way to do something:

One of the behaviours I really miss from my Amiga days is the ability to
auto-detect and auto-mount removeable media filesystems.

For example, if one inserted a CD into the drive, as the tray sucked in
and the drive spun up, the Amiga CD driver would (if it was a CD-ROM)
mount the filesystem for you. If it was a CDDA, it would (optionally)
spawn an audio CD player, and (optionally) start playing the disc. If it
was an MPEG movie, it would (optionally) spawn the movie player... etc
etc. Of course, ejecting the CD manually from the exteral button would
automatically dismount the filesystem, etc.

If you inserted a floppy into the drive, it would detect the change and
mount the floppy for you. As each floppy was named with a volume name,
you could start an operation on a dismounted floppy, and the OS would
prompt you to insert the appropriate disk, and, upon insertion, would
either perform the operation (if the correct volume had been inserted)
or complain and re-prompt if a different volume had been inserted

Both behaviours are very user-intuative, and add major ease-of-use
points to a workstation-style machine.

Is it possible, using current tools, to duplicate this behaviour? If
not, is it worth adding?

Thank you,


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