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SubjectRe: 2.1.131 first impressions
On Mon, Dec 07, 1998 at 01:02:04PM +0100, Rik van Riel wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Jamie Lokier wrote:
> > Well, apart from Squid which still spends a few minutes grinding
> > away at the disk when it starts. I would like to find a way to fix
> > this, it's probably the most thrashy thing my disk has to handle and
> > it does slow down everything else for a while quite significantly.
> This could be a side effect of a too agressive pruning of the
> caches. We should fix this.

I think it's because squid scans 16 directories containing 256
directories each, in an order that's not good for the disk.

I'm not sure, but that seems like the obvious thing.
The obvious fix would be to scan the disk in a good order.

> > Netscape still hits the disk very hard when it starts, and takes what
> > seems like just as long. Netscape is pretty quick to start the second
> > time though (about 3 seconds), so it's definitely a paging thing. Is
> > there anything which could be done with paging
> > read-ahead/read-behind/read-cleverer to make Netscape not thrash the
> > disk when it starts?
> No, not really. When Netscape starts it is not in cache yet :)

I'm thinking that Netscape is only a "few" megabytes long, and it would
only take a second or so to read the executable and libraries in their
entirety. So we can blame read prediction for not knowing to do this

-- Jamie

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