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SubjectRe: Are people still having fun with psaux and 2.1.12/3x ?
In message <>, 
Mike S
ackton writes:
| On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Mike McEwan wrote:
| > From the feedback I've had so far from fellow sufferers, it would
| >appear the problem may be limited to mice with *wheels*. I don't
| >really know anything here, but can't these appear like 5-button mice?
| I have no problems running X with a 2 button + wheel (which acts as a
| third button, plus 4 + 5 for the up and down movement of the wheel)

Keep in mind that the X server uses magic to convert wheel events into
button presses; they don't show up that way by default. And yes, treating a
wheel mouse as an ordinary PS/2 mouse in my experience *does* lead to the
pointer shooting to the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Someone should dig up the protocol for the wheel mice (it must be available,
since it's supported by XFree86) and make sure that, even if the kernel
driver doesn't do anything useful with the wheel, at least it doesn't cause
aberrant behavior.

| Section "Pointer"
| Protocol "imps/2"
| Device "/dev/mouse"
| ZAxisMapping 4 5

That's the magic that remaps the wheel events. IIRC the X server makes the
wheel events available "as is" if you leave this out; but no current X11
programs know what to do with them (i.e. you can't write translation
resources for them).

| X might get unhappy if you have a protocol of ps/2 instead of imps/2 and
| you have a wheel mouse. I don't know, though...

It does. Likewise if you don't have a wheel mouse and you tell it IMPS/2
strange things happen; apparently the protocol is *not* compatible.

brandon s. allbery [os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator [WAY too many hats]
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering KF8NH
Kiss my bits, Billy-boy.

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