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Subjectschedule_timeout: wrong timeout value bff066cc from c012c4f0
As the subject says, I have code that will consistently generate
kernel messages similar to:

schedule_timeout: wrong timeout value bff066cc from c012c4f0

c012c4f0 is within do_select:

c012c2a0 t max_select_fd
c012c344 T do_select
c012c540 T sys_select

The code is buggy, strace says that it is doing:

select(1024, [4 5], [], [], {3382276452, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)

due to this bit of code, where last_update == 0:

tv.tv_sec = UPDATE_INTERVAL - (time(NULL) - last_update);
tv.tv_usec = 0;

n = select(FD_SETSIZE, &in, &out, &exc, &tv);

Cosmetic, but worrying when you first see it (and probably a good way to
fill up logs..). This is under 2.1.129ac3.

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