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SubjectRe: good 2.1.x SMP kernel is?
  As an update, my lockup problem seems to have disappeared if I yank
out one CPU (nothing else changed in the hardware, still running
SMP kernel). I have to leave it alone over Xmas, but when I come
back I'll move the current CPU into the other slot and otherwise
try to determine if it is CPU- specific or slot specific.

I'm now running 2.1.132 since it came out.

Someone else was curious about CPU revisions. I bought the two
450MHz CPUs at the same time from the same vendor, so as far as I
can tell they're out of the same batch.

I've done about 3 builds over multiple days of uptime with no
problems, where previously I'd be lucky to only reboot/lockup twice
during one build.

Something else I did that helped but didn't fix the problem was to
switch network cards. The ASUS P2B-DS BIOS reports different IRQ
settings than linux once it boots up, and after linux booted up it
said that some of the IRQs were being shared between the network
card and the SCSI controller. I put in a 3c905 I had sitting around
and managed to do a build with only 1 reboot, so maybe it helped.

[Paul Barton-Davis]
> I just wanted to note that I've been running 2.1.131 (no ac patches)
> on a Dual PII-450/Supermicro P6DBU system, with absolutely no
> problems. ... Its completely stable. ... Full config at

Well, dual 450MHz is good comparison, but different motherboards.
If I'm getting killed from some component/IRQ/timing issue, I don't
know how good of a test that would be.
--- john

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