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SubjectMore outstanding 2.1.1xx bug/features ?
I have 2 features which someone might be able to help me with - They
have been around for a while, but I haven't had a chance to report
them... They could be related to my hardware:

Dual P-II 400, 256Mb RAM, 2xWD9100 HDDs, Soundblaster AWE32
Linux kernel based on RH 5.2 install

1) Strange hdparm results: Any explanations welcome - Both disks are
identical, seem to perform reasonably, and hang off 2 channels of an
aic7xxx Ultra-Wide SCSI controller, but running hdparam gives:

[root@one47]# /sbin/hdparm -tT /dev/sda /dev/sdb

Timing buffer-cache reads: 128 MB in 1.20 seconds =106.67 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 64 MB in 25.62 seconds = 2.50 MB/sec
--- Ouch !!!
Timing buffer-cache reads: 128 MB in 1.18 seconds =108.47 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 64 MB in 5.00 seconds =12.80 MB/sec

These results are consistent !

2) A sound problem, easily demonstrated using... You geussed it... Quake
When Q2 is run for the first time all is fine... Sound is OK, and life
is good. Subsequent times though I get the following message and core

Added packfile ./baseq2/pak0.pak (3307 files)
Added packfile ./baseq2/pak1.pak (279 files)
Added packfile ./baseq2/pak2.pak (2 files)
Added packfile ./baseq2/pak3.pak (8 files)
execing default.cfg
execing config.cfg
Console initialized.

------- sound initialization -------
sound sampling rate: 11025
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Doing a "file core" suggests that the reason for the dump is a Sig 11.
Note that this always runs OK 1st thing after a boot, but never for a
2nd or subsequent attempt...

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