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Subject[PATCH] Traffic Shaper troubles, may affect other.

I'm fairly sure there were changes incurred during 2.1.129's development
that broke Traffic Shaper code. I'm not sure why because I'm not a
networking guru. But I have a solution posted at the end.

The first problem I run into is that shaper.o fails with an unresolved
symbol, in this case 'arp_broken_ops', which is existant but looking at the
2.1.129 patch concearning /usr/src/linux/net/netsyms.c you find these lines:

diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.128/linux/net/netsyms.c linux/net/netsyms.c
--- v2.1.128/linux/net/netsyms.c Fri Oct 9 13:27:17 1998
+++ linux/net/netsyms.c Fri Nov 13 14:45:04 1998
...snip... (preceding importance)
...snip... (restofpatchfile)

This is fine and dandy but i can't find anywhere that this symbol is being
re-introduced (others removed were simply moved to a more fitting area, this
one otoh was not).

This might explain why I'm seeing this problem (mildly anyway), so my first
recourse was to simply insert the line to export that symbol. Doing so
compiled fine and now teh traffic shaper works as a module. I haven't
yet tested this 'compiled-in' yet since I just rebooted.

Here's a silly little patch, in the event I am overlooking something far
grander than Traffic Shaper let me know. I rgrep'd teh source tree and
don't think this change will interfere at all.

Makes me wonder why it was removed, blind diligence?

Maybe someone out there can shed soem light. ? :) Oh yes, which reminds me,
I don't know if this change would have any affect but shaper code does not
work 'compiled-in' as per before either. My original .config compiled it as
a module and so this is what I began tinkering with. (blah, anyway)

--- netsyms.c.old Wed Dec 23 04:17:54 1998
+++ netsyms.c Wed Dec 23 22:16:39 1998
@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@
This appeared in the 2.1.129 patch, up until 2.1.132 I haven't really had
much time to look into it.

---- ely --- <> ------

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