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SubjectThe Linux Kernel Archives Mirror System
The Linux Kernel Archives Mirror System is now available for use!  A
number of sites across the world have graciously offered to help
distribute the Linux Kernel using a common file structure and
site-naming scheme. These sites have agreed to mirror the /pub/linux
and /pub/software trees (i.e. the original software distributed from
our site) from in its entirety.

To get connected to a mirror site near you, connect to:

... where "xx" is your two-letter country code.

Note that not all sites archive both .gz and .bz2 format files, and
that currently not all countries have both FTP and HTTP support.

For more information, including the list of countries currently
supported by the Linux Kernel Archives Mirror System and how to
register a mirror, please see:

In addition, a list of the individual mirror sites should be available
online sometime next week.

To all the sites that have offered their time, disk space and
bandwidth, I want to give a huge "Thank you!", and to everyone else, I hope
you will find this service useful.
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