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SubjectPot-Smoking Quote of the Day (fwd)

Sorry for the INBOX malk, here's more from the blind leading the blind.

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Pot-Smoking Quote of the Day
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Pot-Smoking Quote of the Day
<H2 ALIGN="center">
because somebody always has something stupid to say
<H3 ALIGN="center">
Wednesday, 09-Dec-1998 11:34:05 PST
<B>Today's selection:</B>

If Red Hat and other Linux promoters hope to market an operating system
that meets the demands of today’s market — to wit, a system that can run
around the clock without faltering — their product is a long way from the
Holy Grail.

--Fred Moody, ABC News

<B>Source: <A HREF=""></A></B>

<HR noshade>

<B>another pot-smoking quote:</B>

What? 10,000 programmers can't do the job in a timely fashion? And the
Linux community is getting what? A better SMP (the one now stinks), and
better SCSI support? Er, I thought it was supposed to be better than NT
(not to mention those other *nix's. Sounds like they're barely catching up.

<B>the (poorly written) article that inspired today's stupidity:</B>

<A HREF=",4586,2172062,00.html">,4586,2172062,00.html</A>

<B>but wait, there's more:</B>

Laughing my head off. 136 + releases to the last version and the next
major version is delayed? And one is supposed to use this stuff in a
business enviorment? Microsoft's Windows 2000 looks better and better every
day and the last update is only service pack release four to the last
version NT 4.0 Can you imagine what it would be like if we had received 136
+ releases of NT since NT 4.0 shipped? No wonder some like Linux, you would
have to hire many Linux consultants full time to keep updating your
computers ever week!

<B>The **** keeps piling up:</B>

Slipware? You gotta agree this is kinda funny. Everyone slams MS for
late-ware and then this happens....

<B>Aw, heck, this is good enough for the whole month...</B>

<B>Here's what Bill Gates has to say about the DoJ:</B>

<A HREF=""></A>

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