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SubjectRe: good 2.1.x SMP kernel is?
> ... Sitting idle, the box seems happy. In trying to syslog the
> problem, I mounted all the writable ext2fs filesystems in sync mode.
> The box seems to be doing the same tasks just fine, if one hell of
> a lot slower (what you would expect for sync vs async). ...

It took it ~22 hours, but it finished everything without any problems.
Normally it takes about 5 hours and the least it has crashed has been
twice. Again, this is with sync so disk I/O has been much slower and
the CPU utilization has been much lower because I'm doing a bunch of
compiling and I'm being held back by the disk output.

Presumably that would rule out a bunch of "just plain broken" hardware
issues, although I'm certainly not stressing a bunch of things. I can
probably rule out RAM issues, but that didn't seem too likely anyway.

Between the -ac kernels and the stock ones, I see I've tested both
the aic7xxx 5.1.4 & 5.1.6 drivers, if I recall correctly.
--- john

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