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SubjectRe: memory waste in fs/devices.c/kdevname()

H. Peter Anvin writes:
> [somebody]
>> "H. Peter Anvin" <> said:

>>> No, change the punctuation to that it is unambiguous. I suggest
>>> replace the : with a , so you'd see either "13:00" or "19,0".
>> Add "23.0" for good measure ;-)
>> Sorry, but I wouldn't know which is which without having to look
>> it up each time. 0x13:0x00 is ugly as hell, but unambiguous.

The ':' makes it unambiguous. (like IPv6 and Ethernet)
Nobody uses ':' with decimal device numbers.

>> Or just keep them everywhere decimal or everywhere hex (or octal).
> That's the thing; it is everywhere decimal *except* in kernel
> messages. This is a Bad Thing[TM].

In that case, we must fix /bin/ls and devices.txt to use hex.
The kernel is perfectly correct.

Look at SCSI for an example. It goes like this:

dec hex name
0 00 sda
16 10 sdb
32 20 sdc
48 30 sdd
64 40 sde
80 50 sdf
96 60 sdg

Quick, what comes next? In hex you just count.

In hex, minor numbers E3 and E7 are obviously the same disk.
They obviously represent partition 3 and partition 7.
In decimal, minor numbers 143 and 147 are...?

Sure, decimal is easy. All you have to do is convert to hex!

Nothing requires that /bin/ls output device numbers in decimal.
HP-UX uses hex already, which is just the right thing to do.

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