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SubjectRe: 2.1.131: some quality thoughts
>>>>> "Ulrich" == Ulrich Windl <> writes:
> /usr/src/linux/net/core is ignored by CVS standards. Shipping a
> ".cvsignore" in the kernel tree is not an optimal sulution, because
> the logic is inverted, and there's no ".cvsinclude" per concept.

The .cvsignore file can contain a leading `!'.
This is a cvs issue, not a linux issue. cvsignore files should be able to
provide rules for filenames and directory names separately. I can't
think of a single pattern that is meant to apply to both directories and files
(and duplicating the pattern would be simple enough to work around the issue).

What I do is that I alwayse use `-I !' when using `cvs import'. This
works because I only use `cvs import' on freshly untarred distributions
(where very few files should be ignored). I then `cvs rm' those
few files manually on the trunk.

> I also noticed that CVS does not like it if you build in a
> checked-out tree: After that I couldn't "cvs diff" nor "cvs commit",
> because some files were missing beyond include/config in the CVS
> subdirectories. Maybe the Makefiles or Rules can be fixed to avoid
> that problem.

That is also a more general problem with any software where the distribution
is not designed for CVS use. After (or before) doing the first `cvs import',
you need to go through the files/directories and see what needs to be in CVS,
and what need not. If the makefile does a `rm -r include/config' [I have no
idea if it does] it's a pretty good hint that include/config should not be
in your CVS tree.
I don't think CVS can fix those things for you and it's a problem that
probably shows up with any version control system.


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