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SubjectNFS hang (2.1.131-ac13 & 2.1.131-ac8)

Hi there.

I ran into a problem with NFS eariler tonight that I thought I would
share. This is something that might have been fixed recently, but
perhaps not:


running 2.1.131-ac13 (newly compiled)


running 2.1.131-ac8
user space nfsd from nfs-server-2.2beta37-1

I mount a nfs partiton with the word perfect 8 tar on it on the
client. I unpack it, I run the "Runme" install script.

It unpacks fine and lots of nfs traffic goes by. Then it locks up.

Server starts getting:

Dec 17 20:58:00 jelerak kernel: UDP: bad checksum. From to ulen 1956

(lots and lots of them).

Client starts getting:

Dec 17 20:56:41 nightfall kernel: nfs: task 16926 can't get a request slot
Dec 17 20:56:41 nightfall kernel: nfs: task 16927 can't get a request slot
Dec 17 20:56:43 nightfall kernel: nfs: task 16929 can't get a request slot

I can repeat this at will.
Also tried a 2.0.36 server. Same thing (except no UDP checksum errors
on the server)

Tried 2.1.131 stock on the laptop also, and it did the same thing.

I can create tcpdump/strace logs if anyone has interest...

Hope this helps someone clean up the nfs stuff more.


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