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SubjectRe: 2.1.131: some quality thoughts
>>>>> "Linus" == Linus Torvalds <> writes:
> As far as I can tell, everybody agrees that CVS is being stupid in not
> checking at least that "core" is a regular file before ignoring it.

Not quite: CVS defines the cvsignore patterns as applying to files
and directories. It was meant to behave that way because you also
want to ignore some directories (like RCS, CVS, CM (for SML/NJ users out
there), ...). The real fix is hence to force the use of different
patterns for dirs and for files (a trailing slash would be an obvious
candidate for making such a distinction). But this is not backward

> My opinion is that you shouldn't work around bugs in your tool-chain,
> you should fix them. Either by fixing CVS, or by using something else.

The problem is that cvsignore tweaks are a fact of life. You cannot
expect a default .cvsignore setting to work everywhere for everyone,
so a CVS user has to be aware of this and setup .cvsignore files as
needed. Once this is done, dealing with the rare cases where a file
pattern wrongly applies to a directory (as is the case here for `core')
is really not a big deal.
Fixing CVS as suggested above would only reduce the amount of work to setup
linux under CVS by a really tiny fraction. That's why I never bothered to fix
it and that's probably why noone else bothered to fix it.


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