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SubjectBTTV and AVerMedia TVPhone 98 + G200 (cont.)
	Well, after much experiments I got the following results:

BTTV included with the kernel (in 2.1.131-ac7)

o It works but the image doesn't appear correctly, it seems as if
it was codified (with Nagravision).
o Radio support and TeleTXT support doesn't work at all (are they
supported with the AVerMedia TVPhone98?)

BTTV 0.5.22

o It works and the image appears correctly at all modes.
o At 24bpp and 32bpp the image appears displaced to the right of
the window where it should appear, the amount of shifting depends
on color depth.
o At 16bpp it works perfectly.
o Radio support (using the one included in 2.1.131-ac7) fails.
o TeleTXT support works but only at some pages (two or three by
channel :?

Any hope of merging the two branches of BTTV in the near future?
(that is before 2.2 is released, so it may be well the far future :-)

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