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SubjectWhere has all the printing gone???
After a long happy time with the stable kernel, I finally decided to try
the Beta kernel series to enable me to see the NTFS logical drives on the
NT side of the box. I had kept some logical drives as HPFS to make them
visible, but I think that NTFS is much better for my use.

Anyways, I built 1.3.80-pre4 and today I built 1.3.82. In general they
both seemed to work, but today I finally got around to trying to print
something and nada... I have a printing utility (written LONG ago under
DOS but ported to Linux when I first started with it several years ago).
It formats the file for printing and then pipes it to the printer. It has
worked nicely for several years. When I tried running it under the Beta
kernel, the stuff went in here, it went around and around, and it did NOT
come out there. Looking at the queue with lpq, the missing files are
there but there is a nastygram about waiting for lp to be ready and an
(offline??) thingie at the end of that. Similarly with 1.3.82, except
that it talks of mp [????] rather than lp (What is mp???). The printer
itself and the printer port hardware are fine. The printer port is part
of an Intel chipset on a Micronics system board in a Micron Millenia 100
machine. It is configured as a PS/2 (i.e. bidirectional) port.

The (I think) applicable parts of .config (for 1.3.82) are



O.K. The BIG question; what am I doing wrong? I ___DID___ face east and
bow down three times before I built the kernel. I felt that sacrificing a
virgin was a bit extreme, so I skipped that step. But why are the Gods
angry with me and my printer? Thanks for any enlightenment.


Harvey Fishman | | A little heresy is good for the soul.
718-258-7276 |

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